Thursday, July 1, 2010

Something Old, Something New has been 15 weeks today since kevin's surgery. He is doing great!! He is working full time, as well as running and going to the gym on a regular basis. He is definately on the road to being back 100%! AND!!!! We noticed something new this week! He is able to smile, albeit, only a small smile, but it's a smile nonetheless!! I, as his wife, knew how important this is to him, but I couldn't truly appreciate until I saw the look in his eyes as he told me how excited he was.
Something as little as a smile has such a great meaning to us, and these days we rejoice in the samll things. We are so very truly thankful that God has heard our prayers and continues to answer them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's looking good!

Kevin's incision is finally starting to heal, and it looks really good! Fingers crossed that it continues to heal without delay... There's still been no change to his face, but we are still hopeful and believe it will get better.
Kevin had his surgery exactly 5 weeks ago. I am continually amazed at how quickly he is healing. He still has a few hurdles to get over, but we're in the home stretch!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Update and Photos

Last Sat. (April 10) we noticed that Kev had something leaking from a scab on his incision behind his ear. I kind of freaked out and called the Dr. He said he wanted Kevin to come up to his office on the following Monday so he could look at it. He said what I was describing was probably an abcess due to the incision healing from the outside in, instead of the inside out. Dr. Theo said he wanted us to clean it up and try to get the scab off and keep a band aid over it until he got to the office.
Kevin's mom took him to Dr. Theo's office on Monday April 12, and Dr. Theo said the incision looked really good (I'm positive it is because we did everything he told us to do).
There's not been much change in Kevin's face. There are days when he feels like he notices a differences, but when he tries to control his muscles, there is no real change. Something new has happened though...when Kevin is doing certain facial exercises, where he pushes on specific areas of his face, his lip will kind jerk up (sort of like Elvis' haha) and stay like that for a few seconds...and his (left)eyebrow will raise up and stay like that for a few seconds... It makes us think that there is obviously some sort of nerve reaction so that makes us hopeful that this is the beginning of him regaining use of that side.

Kevin raising his eyebrows (notice the left side is not raised)

Kevin closing his eyes (notice left eye does not close all the way)

Kevin smiling

Staples Come out!!!

March 31, 2010

Today Kevin had his staples taken out. We brought the kids with us, and they thought it was very cool watching the Dr. remove the staples. They didn't like to see their dad in pain, but he handled it like a champ.
There's been no change in his facial paralysis...he is still taking steroids, but at this point, it doesn't really seem to be making a difference. We have faith that this is not going to be permanent and Kevin is refusing to let this slow him down (much to MY disliking).
Kevin came to church with us last Sunday for our church's children's Palm Sunday program. He sat right up front and dealt with the loud music and clapping. I know he is struggling and uncomfortable, especially since his face is not the same as it was before, but I am so proud of him.
I am also completely shocked at how quickly he has healed...His incision looks great, the staples are now out, he is getting out of the house and even walking around the neighborhood. He does all of his facial exercises and is not letting this define who is or who he will be. I just love him so much, and have I said how proud I was???

The Bandages Come Off!!

March 24, 2010

Today we went to see Dr. Pensak and Dr. Theo. Dr.Pensak took the bandages off of Kevin's head to reveal a knarly looking incision. There is a lot of bruising and 20 (yep!!! I said 20!!!) staples behind Kevin's ear.
Dr. Pensak also looked at the incision on Kevin's belly. This was where they had to remove fat to place inside his head, behind his ear where the mastoid bone was. He said both incisions looked nice and we would come back in a couple of weeks to get the staples removed.
Both Dr. Pensak and Dr. Theo were quite surprised that Kevin had such a drastic change on the left side of his face considering he was doing so well right after surgery. They are fairly confident this is only temporary...which is good to hear, but in all honesty, we wish they were 100% certain it was temporary.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Surgery Day!!!

These are the notes that I took on surgery day and the days that followed:

March 18, 2010

4:45 a.m. - Left for hospital

5:15 a.m. - Arrive at hospital

5:30 a.m. - Admitted

6:30 a.m. - IV started

7:20 a.m. - Arterial line started

7:40 a.m. - Left for Operating Room

8:22 a.m. - Incision made

9:15 a.m. - Nurse came out and went over any questions I may have had, and asked me a few questions as well.

10:30 a.m. - Nurse called, Kev is in stable condition. Dr. Pensak (ENT) still drilling, haven't made it to tumor yet. Will call back in 2 hours...

12:30 p.m. - Nurse called, Dr. Theo (neurosurgeon) found tumor and working to remove it. This is the most delicate, tedious part of the surgery. Should be done within the next couple of hours. Next person I hear from will be Dr.

1:40 p.m. - Dr. Theo came out and told us tumor was out. Dr. Pensak was working on removing fat from Kevin's belly and then closing up. His facial nerve was responding well to stimuli. Should be done within 2 hours.

4:45 p.m. - Nurse called and said Kevin was awake and eating ice chips. He is complaining of headache and pain in shoulders. The shoulder pain was due to the position he was in during surgery. He is going to be transferred to bed 18 on the Neuro ICU

4:50 p.m. - We (his mom, sister and I) are waiting in ICU waiting room to see him.

5:30 p.m. - Kevin is awake and aware of his surroundings. He is in a terrible amount of pain. His right arm is swollen because the IV busted his vein and infiltrated into his arm, but that should go down within 24 hours. Since his IV came out, they had to put another IV into his foot. They are treating his pain with fentanyl in his IV every hour for now. His face is not weak at all...but I feel horrible for him.

March 19, 2010
Kevin was moved to a regular room on the neuroscience floor. He is still in a great deal of pain, and Dr.'s are working on controlling it. He is going for an MRI and CAT scan this afternoon.
Spent the majority of the day asleep, and due to pain, could not finish MRI.

March 20, 2010
Kevin was sent home from the hospital today!? I would be lying if I said I wasn't SHOCKED!!!
I am concerned that I will get confused with all of his meds...I can't believe how quick they get you in and out!!
Kevin spent most of the day in bed, and luckily, my aunt took the kids to the zoo, he was able to rest peacefully.

March 21, 2010
Today, we noticed some facial weakness on the left side at about 1:45 p.m. I called the RN that was treating Kevin at the hsopital, and she said it was was probably due to increased swelling around the facial nerve.

March 22, 2010
Dr. Theo's office called today to check on Kevin and when I told them about the weakness, they decided to call in a another 15 day course of steriods. He had taken his last one 2 days before and the Dr. thought that perhaps the new round of steriods may bring the swelling down. He couldn't really explain why the paralysis all of a sudden started after his face had worked so well directly following the surgery.

Kevin at home with the "Princess Leia" bandage
This is my husband, Kevin and I with our three beautiful kids. This is his story...
Since this blog is about Kevin and his journey through the diagnosis, removal and recovery or an acoustic neuroma, I thought it best to start at the beginning and explain how we came to find out that he actually had an acoustic neuroma.
An acoustic neuroma is defined as: a benign (noncancerous), slow growing tumor of the nerve that connects the ear to the brain.
On July 7, 2009, Kevin left for The United States Army basic training in Ft. Benning GA. It was one of the most difficult choices we had made up to that point as a family, but we were proud and about as prepared as we could be. While in reception at Ft. Benning, Kevin failed the routine hearing test given to all new recruits. After retaking, and failing it a second time, and going over a list of symptoms, such as tinnitus, dizziness, facial numbness, difference in taste and frequent headaches, it was decided that he would go off base for an MRI.
On August 12, Kevin was told he had an acoustic neuroma. He was also told that his services would not be needed in the Army and he was going to be discharged with what is called existing prior to service. Of course that was not one but two blows to us, but great news as well...He was coming home!!
After he was home, his sister passed along his story to her husband's brother, who, (lucky for us) is an ENT. He was kind enough to allow us to come into his office and dig a little deeper and figure out what our options were. We found out that Kevin had an 8mm by 8mm acoustic neuroma on the left side. It was sitting on the 7th and 8th cranial nerves, which were his hearing and facial nerves. We were also told that he had less than 10% of his hearing on that side. He referred us to another ENT, Dr. Pensak, closer to home, at UC Medical Center in Cincinnati Ohio.
We made the appointment to meet with Dr. Pensak as well as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Theodosopoulos (Dr. Theo). They informed us of the different surgical options as well as non-surgical options. Because of Kevin's age (35), and the fact he had pretty severe symptoms, we (along with the Dr.'s), decided that the Translabyrinthine approach was the best option for Kevin. With this approach, the hearing is completely destroyed, but since the brain stem is not manipulated, it is considered the safest treatment. The surgery was scheduled for March 18, 2010.